A Quiet Day in Northcote

Alexandra Sasse painting Northcote
Painting the canvas 'A Quiet Day in Northcote' 2016 Alexandra Sasse
Painting the canvas ‘A Quiet Day in Northcote’ 2016 Alexandra Sasse

Painting in others’ footsteps

I am in the final stages of a landscape painting which will be called A Quiet Day in Northcote. Perhaps Arthur Boyd was right when he said …all Australian paintings are in some way a homage to Tom Roberts … as Roberts’ own work A QUIET DAY ON DAREBIN CREEK, has been much in my mind as I worked on this picture.

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Compositional Challenges and Simple Solutions

Constructing a strong composition or design is key to a successful painting. One element of design is depth, but how does an artist depict a volume of space? Traditionally it is taught that recession can be achieved through tone – that is lighter areas at the background of a work and darker areas towards the foreground. You can see this in landscapes such as Caspar Freidrich’s Evening Landscape with Two Men

But what if a motif has very little tonal recession?

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