Urban Rhythms – Harley Manifold, Paintings.

Image of Harley Manifold painting 'Mr Boxie ran into something'

Bridge 38 Galley, Richmond, November 10th – 30th, 2016

Image of Harley Manifold painting 'Mr Boxie ran into something'
‘Mr Boxie ran into something’ by Harley Manifold 88 x 161cm

Attending an exhibition opening can be a bit like going on a blind date. What if I don’t like the work? What will I say? Painting can go so wrong and often does. But in this small gallery in the heart of Richmond, sixteen paintings demonstrate that Harley Manifold knows what he is doing with paint. His surfaces are articulate, composite, layered. Colour is calibrated into convincing form.

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Surreal Worlds – John Leslie Landscape Prize

John Leslie Landscape Prize Review Alexandra Sasse with Nicolas Harding's Wilpena Wattle at the John Leslie Art Prize 2016

This landscape painting prize, based in Sale, is one of those generous moments when a local benefactor makes a significant contribution to the nation’s cultural life….and ensures that serious contemporary work reaches the regions. It encompasses vertiginous highs and repellent lows. Predominantly the work is largish and surreal. Colour has mostly escaped any sense of

Desperately Seeking Fox…Review of the Len Fox Painting Award

Photo of visitors looking at paintings at the Len Fox Painting Award

Published in Trouble Magazine December 2016

 Photo of visitors looking at paintings at the Len Fox Painting Award

The Len Fox Painting Award,

Until Dec 31st 2016, Castlemaine

Categories. They are very useful things. All sorts of unlikely objects or ideas can be clumped together simply on the basis that they have one thing in common. Art historians tidily sweep works into certain little piles from which a narrative can be plotted. Post Impressionism can go over here, tuck Baroque back a bit, pop in those Futurists there, and now where did I put the Surrealists? It’s a helpful tool albeit with limitations.

In art things are always much more complex. An artist like any human being has a multiplicity of influences, yearnings and aims. And a trajectory of work over a lifetime can veer like a drunken sailor, as for instance in the case of Turner who for many years produced highly rendered topographical views and house portraits before his work transformed into almost completely abstract whirling vortices of light and colour.

If it’s hard to categorise either art or artist, you can imagine the difficulty of administering an art award that has a $50,000 purse for ‘a painting of an Australian subject in sympathy with the work of E. Phillips Fox.’ The artists trying to get their work before a judge might pause and wonder what exactly this means.

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